
TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (11)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (11)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (8)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (8)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (7)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (7)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (2)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (2)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (1)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (1)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (3)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (3)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (9)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (9)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (10)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (10)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (4)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (4)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (6)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (6)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (5)

TOGO, Sokode Gaani festival MFK (5)

Alcune foto che ho scattato per la festa della GAANI, evento tradizionale annuale con danze, canti e parate di cavalli per celebrare l'inizio dell'anno e la pace conquistata da una comunita' antica di Sokode', nel nord del Togo.
Some photos I took for the GAANI festival, a traditional yearly event with dances, songs and horse parades to celebrate the beginning of the year and the peace conquered by an ancient community in Sokode', northern of Togo.

Matteo Fraschini Koffi - Giornalista Freelance